Good news!

The vigili already came and filled out the paperwork! I'll need to go not next week but the following week to finish all the paperwork for my residency here in Italy and get an identity card and then open a bank account!!! The ball is MOVING ladies and gentlemen! :-)

I gave a presentation last week in Bergamo on technology in the classroom - despite a rocky start (the equipment we asked for was not delivered, etc), the seminar was pretty successful. I got a lot of great feedback on my presentation given in Italian Sign Language, so *patting myself on the back* I've improved a great deal in the past year! Next Sunday I present again, the same topic, in Naples. :-) Was just figuring out the logistics of the trip with Fabrizio, who is co-presenting with me. We agreed to take a night train on Friday so we could spend Saturday sight seeing and then present on Sunday afternoon. Then I'm back in Rome for 2 more days of meetings - probably my last visit before flying to the USA.

Yup! Flying to the USA for a month and a half this summer - 4 weeks for work, 2 weeks for visiting with family. I'm looking forward to it!!

It's RAINING RAINING and RAINING here in Turin. The rivers were nearly flooded in the city yesterday. Today school was closed due to limited access to varioius parts of the city. Can you imagine? A true "rain day" at school? :-)

It was HOT during my visit to Rome earlier this week - 33 degrees... 91.4 degrees F! Wow. Just did the conversion now with the Converter Tool on my cell phone. Ha.

Here in Turin it's only 18 degrees C... 64.4 degrees F... *sigh* and gray... I moved to the Italian version of Rochester! Dang it!

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